I don’t know about you, but it has officially been a year since I have had a real pedicure. During quarantine life, I have completely rehabbed my toenails. And I have been so impressed with myself, that I thought I would share with you guys what worked for me so you too, can rehab your toenails!

I will spare you the pictures of what a disaster my toenails were before but let me tell you, it wasn’t pretty. I am guilty of wearing toenail polish for way longer than I probably should. So my toenails never get a chance to breathe. My toenails had white spots that were flaky & dehydrated looking. After a bit of research, I came across this article and began my journey to healthy toenails! Isn’t the internet wonderful sometimes?

At Home Pedicure Tips

My first step was removing my toenail polish with acetone-free nail polish remover. I have always used nail polish remover with acetone because I thought it worked better (especially with pesky red hard to remove polishes). But I am now obsessed with tenoverten+‘s rose polish remover. It really feels like it is nourishing your nails as you remove your polish. Then I used a very fine nail file/buffer to remove some of the dry cracked spots on my toenails.

The next step is to soak your feet. Dr. Teals has a nice epsom salt foot soak but I just used plain water. Then I grabbed my favorite tool…my Earth Therapeutics Foot File. This thing will change your life. It is like a cheese grater for your feet. LOL! Be careful you don’t do it too much but if you have hard calloused feet like me, this thing is AMAZING. Your feet have never felt so soft.

Then the next step is to use CND’s RescueRxx Daily Keratin Treatment. This is what will really help treat the white spots (keratin granulations) on your toenails. I used it twice a day (morning/night) for two weeks straight. Sometimes I would also put a coat of Sally Hansen’s Vitamin E oil on top at night. Before bed, I made sure to slather my feet with Aquaphor and sleep with socks on. You will not believe how soft your feet are each morning!

After two weeks, my feet & toenails had never looked better! No more peeling white spots! I have since given myself a new pedicure and made sure to use Dr.’s REMEDY bio-sourced tea tree oil & biotin infused base coat polish. It is 10-free, gluten-free (I had no idea this was a thing), breathable and UV protected. I topped it with my usual nail polishes/top coat, but I feel good about starting with the healthiest of them all. I highly recommend adding it to your nail polish arsenal.


Breakable Heart Shaped Mold

I have always loved Valentine’s Day. But this year I may have gone a little overboard with the Valentine’s Day treats. And it’s not even Valentine’s Day yet! I’m still picking up some custom cookies & a cookie decorating kit from my fave local pastry chef tomorrow! Ha! Help! Anyways, I thought I would share a few of the treats I’ve made this year.

Starting with this breakable candy heart! I sent my hubby a link for the one I wanted for Valentine’s Day and when he told me it was sold out, I did not give up. Instead, I found the mold which came with the little wooden hammer and made it myself! It was surprisingly easier than I thought it would be to make it. My only tip would be to not make the chocolate (or candy melts) as thick as I did. That sucker was hard to break! You can see a video of me breaking it on my Instagram. I filled it with chocolate-covered strawberries. But you can fill it with whatever your heart desires. I’m going to be making them for every special occasion now!

Valentine's Day Sweet Treat Charcuterie Board

Next up is my Valentine’s Day sweet treat charcuterie board. Every time I went to the store, I would pick up another heart shaped or red/pink treat to add to it. I think it turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself. I am also thinking I may be making a charcuterie board going forward for every occasion as well.

Valentine's Day Treats

We also made Valentine’s Day rice krispie treat pops (which I also shared here) and chocolate dipped peanut butter cookies. This has definitely been the year of dipping anything and everything in chocolate. That may have something to do with me gaining ten lbs in 2020. But I digress…

Heart-shaped waffle & Heart-shaped bacon

Lastly, I bought yet another DASH mini waffle maker. This time I bought the heart-shaped mini to add to my regular mini & snowflake waffle makers. But the real treat here was the heart-shaped bacon! I used this recipe/tutorial. I always buy center-cut bacon though so I did not need to cut mine down. In fact, they were the perfect length. And the toothpick trick kept them in place. Of course, don’t forget to cut your strawberries into hearts too.

Valentine's Day Manicure

This one isn’t food-related, but you can’t NOT have a special Valentine’s Day mani! To be honest, this was actually one of my hardest mani’s to date. I used a tiny nail art brush for the tips because I didn’t have any french manicure stickers. Hence, they don’t look as nice as I had hoped. But, let’s be honest…I’m not going anywhere anyway! Ha!

Is it just me or are you baking like crazy too? Did you make any Valentine’s Day treats?


Valentine's Day Treats

Anyone else LOVE Valentine’s Day? I have the fondest memories of carefully picking out which card I gave to each student. I can also vividly remember the red & blue construction paper mailboxes we made in class. Isn’t it funny which memories stick with us? If only that teacher knew how much that craft meant to me!

Valentine's Day Mailbox

So of course when I saw these tin mailboxes in the Target dollar bins, I immediately texted my son’s teacher to find out how many kids are in his class. And bought 15 of them on the spot! I’ve finally figured out that you have to buy seasonal items as soon as they come out. Or else you are left with slim pickings! Now if only I had a Cricut, I would love to customize them which each kid’s name!

Valentine's Day Garland

Then I mosied over to the home decor department and may or may not have gone a little overboard with the hearts. But hey…we are still stuck at home so why not make the place a little more festive!

Valentine's Day Decor

This is actually a candle holder, but I filled it up with red, pink & white m&m’s for decoration. Oh who am I kidding…I’ve already eaten half the jar all by myself! But it does look cute (what’s left of it, anyway) if I do say so myself!

Valentine's Day Rice Krispies Treats

It rained all weekend so we decided to make some Valentine’s Day treats to eat while we worked on his Valentine’s Day cards. Rice Krispie Treat heart pops are so easy to make and even more fun to eat. All you need are cake pop sticks, a heart cookie cutter, chocolates to melt, and your favorite sprinkles. And Rice Krispies, marshmallows, and butter, of course! Do you have a favorite Valentine’s Day treat?

Valentine's Day Treats


Where are my side sleeping friends at??? If you’re anything like me, you wake up with trenches on your chest each morning. I’m not getting any younger so anything I can do to help the appearance of my skin on my neck and chest (which are in a close tie with my hands for showing my age) is a YES, PLEASE for me. Call it fate (or maybe just my computer/phone listening to me) but I recently got the opportunity to try the Lola Collective three-step chest wrinkle repair kit. I have seen the rave reviews all over Facebook so I was super excited to get started.

The Lola Collective Time to Glow 3-Step Decolletage Anti-Wrinkle Collection can improve skin texture, smooth the appearance of wrinkles, and leave your skin glowing in just three easy steps.

The kit includes:

The products are available to purchase individually but you can currently get all three products for only $79 (normally $122).

Lola Collective Before & After

I started using all three products religiously every morning/night in mid-December. These are my results after almost three weeks of continued use. At first, I wasn’t sure how much of a difference there would be but after I looked at my before/after photos, I can definitely see an improvement!

Lola Collective Before & After

I took my photos at the same time of day and in front of the same window because I wanted to see the results in natural lighting. I did not re-touch any of the photos and did not use any filters.

I’m so excited to continue using these products as I am pretty impressed with my results! What do you think? Have you tried Lola Collective yet?

Thank you to Lola Collective for sponsoring this post. This post includes affiliate links. Thank you for supporting my blog when making purchases through my links.

Hello Kitty x Erin Condren

I may be 45, but all of my 12 year old dreams just came true. I got my hands on the Hello Kitty x Erin Condren Collection. I grew up LOVING Hello Kitty and remember when we had a Sanrio Hello Kitty store in the mall. I used to just walk through that store wishing that I could have one of everything. So naturally, I’m ecstatic to be able to have it now. What’s the saying…better late than never?!? I am obsessed!

Hello Kitty x Erin Condren

I had a zoom conference call yesterday and I have to tell you, cute supplies make everything more fun. One tip that I learned from my friend is to color code everything in my planner. So now I use one color for my items, one for my son’s and one for my husband. It looks pretty and is a quick way to see who has what going on.

Hello Kitty x Erin Condren

One of the things I loved most about this collection is that they included a daily kindness & joy journal. As much as I wanted this for me, I decided to give it to my son. He keeps his own journal and I loved this one because it prompts him to focus on kindness. It is a great way for kids (or adults) to make kindness goals and hold themselves accountable. What a great activity to focus on the good.

Hello Kitty x Erin Condren Life Planner

The Hello Kitty x Erin Condren Life Planner is the planner of all planners. Not only can you customize it in so many ways, but it truly does make organizing and planning out your weeks so much more efficient! I love having it out so I can make sure I am not missing any important deadlines or appointments with a quick glance.

Hello Kitty x Erin Condren

I hope you guys love the Hello Kitty x Erin Condren collaboration as much as I do! Be sure and check out the whole collection here. You can also shop my favorites below:


Thank you kindly to Erin Condren for gifting me with these products. Affiliate links provided for your convenience.