It’s been a long time since I’ve given myself a proper manicure. Let alone, a designer manicure that involved nail art! A couple of weeks ago I pulled out my nail stamping kit and decided to do a search for some new nail stamp plates to add to my collection. Which then led me down a completely different nail art rabbit hole. Somehow I ended up not only buying new plates but also nail foils and nail stickers!

I decided to start with a nude base and went minimalist with just a few nail stickers. I’m wearing “re-nude” polish by Sally Hansen and purchased the stickers here. And of course I always finish every manicure with Seche Vite fast drying topcoat. It has ALL the chemicals but it will dry your manicure in 60 seconds.

Man…whoever said you can tell a woman’s age by their neck or their hands was not lying. My poor hands look ancient! Oh well, what can you do. At least my mani is cute! I switched up the placement and stickers on my other hand so it wasn’t too matchy matchy.

When I first started my blog, my manicures used to be some of my most popular posts! I’m digging this “designer manicure” and feeling inspired to do my nails like I used to. You can see some of my favorites here, here and here (this is a fun one for Halloween). Are you into nail art???

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