lack of color hat

Every few years, I consider making the switch from Nikon to Canon. When I bought my first DSLR camera 6 or 7 years ago, I just went with Nikon because I was more familiar with the brand than I was with Canon. Then over the years, I discovered that Canon is much more user friendly (so they say). I’ve also convinced myself that all pictures taken by Canon are somehow just better, straight out of the camera.

So is Canon really better than Nikon?

I decided to hit up a few photography forums and ask for advice on which camera to buy. I also shared my own pics for their review. To my surprise, I received an overwhelming response that suggested I forgo buying all new camera equipment and to just spend more time learning how to crop & post edit my photos instead. So I immediately took their advice and downloaded Lightroom. It used to be that you had to purchase the software and it was like a ridiculous amount up front but now you can just pay a monthly fee (starting as low as $10/mo…which is the plan I did). It is totally user friendly and you can even download presets (which are sort of like filters) to auto-edit your images. I bought two (one here and the other here) but I still had to make several edits to get the images to my liking. I even shot these images in RAW format instead of JPEG since everyone says you can do so much more with a RAW image.

I wish I could say I notice a difference…but unfortunately I don’t! So if you are a photog and have any tips/suggestions, I am ALL EARS! Also, are you a Nikon or a Canon user?

lack of color

Outfit Details:
Lack of Color Fader Hat (I found mine at Swirl Boutique)
Rag & Bone Capri Skinnies
Target faux Leather Top
Michael Kors Moto Jacket
Steve Madden Booties
Lovestrength Belt (also a Swirl Boutique find)

All images shot using my Nikon D7000, Nikon 50mm 1.4 Lens with my tripod and remote.

6 Comments ( Reply )

  1. Nipa
    Mar 19, 2018 @ 3:20 am

    Hi Jen,
    I have a Nikon that’s even older than yours, and I only have the lens that came with it. I know I have to buy another one, but in the meantime, I received the same advice from a photography instructor: keep the camera, learn how to use it better, use photo editing software. I’m thinking about Lightroom too but I am trying to figure out if my Photo (MAC software) can achieve the same effects. Would love to hear more about your photography journey! Nipa

    • jennifer
      Mar 29, 2018 @ 9:30 am

      Hi Nipa! I am a HUGE fan of the Mac iphoto (or Photos) software as well. It has served me well over the past 7 years! Now that I am using Lightroom more often, I realize that iphoto has many of the same features…I just never paid attention or played with them! I do recommend upgrading to a 50mm lens. Mine has a 1.4 fstop but I honestly never go below 2 or 2.2. It is great for portrait photography. Thanks for the comment!

  2. Melissa
    Mar 19, 2018 @ 7:35 am

    I used to be Nikon but now I’m a Fuji girl and I feel like most of the travel bloggers that I know have made the switch from large dSLRS (mainly Nikon/Canon) to smaller, just as good, mirrorless Fujis or Sonys. So I wouldn’t discount those options in your search for a new camera.

    Post-processing is the key for all great photography so continue to get familiar with Lightroom and keep shooting in RAW. A friend once used the comparison that editing RAW photos is like editing the Word doc while editing a JPG is like editing a photocopy.

    • jennifer
      Mar 29, 2018 @ 9:25 am

      I keep seeing bloggers using the smaller Sony…especially for video content! I’m definitely going to look into that option as well. Thanks so much for your input…I really appreciate it.

  3. Jenn
    Mar 20, 2018 @ 7:19 am

    I like Canons because I do feel they’re easier to use. But if you already have a Nikon, I don’t think it’d be worth the switch. I think you need to work on finding your light. Stop using a flash and instead get a reflector so you’re perfectly naturally lit without harsh shadows. They’re pretty inexpensive on amazon. And yes, continue to work with Lightroom and/or Photoshop!

    • jennifer
      Mar 29, 2018 @ 9:23 am

      I have given up using flash (haven’t used in over a year unless absolutely necessary) which was tough for me! But I will definitely look into a reflector…thanks so much!