
Winter Blues

Blanket Scarf

Blanket Scarf

Blanket Scarf

Old Navy Blanket Scarf

I’m going through that stage again where I can not stand the length of my hair! I’ve started taking a multi-vitamin and Biotin again even though the bottle basically tells you it’s not proven to stimulate hair growth. Although now that I think about it, I remember someone on social media saying it caused them to start having more facial hair! EEEK! I just literally remembered that as I was typing. Hmmm….maybe I should just stick to the multi-vitamin!

Outfit Details: Old Navy Flannel Scarf, Citizens of Humanity Skinny Jeans, OLD Boots, Jcrew Vintage Tee, Jcrew Factory Denim Jacket (similar), Zara Bag

3 Comments ( Reply )

  1. Tara
    Jan 11, 2016 @ 3:03 am

    I totally understand…I wish my hair was as long as it used to be! You look adorable!

  2. Lana O.
    Jan 11, 2016 @ 9:39 am

    Hehe I recognized those jeans right away! I remember you posting about how much you loved them! I have the same pair and I can’t get enough of them either 😀 They look good on you!

    xo Lana

  3. Aracely
    Jan 11, 2016 @ 9:50 am

    Love this comfy chic look. Your hair looks great and I can relate as I feel the same way once my hair gets a certain length.